

R. S. Phillips '24 and G. G. Mapes '25 to Meet at Chestnut Hill Tomorrow--Will Play 36 Holes

R. S. Phillips '24 and G. G. Mapes '25 will meet tomorrow in the finals of the University Golf Tournament on the Chestnut Hill links. Their match will be for 36 holes and will start at 9 o'clock.

Mapes with an 81 in the qualifying round, which won the gold medal for the lowest score has showed a steady and excellent brand of golf from the first day on, while Phillips, a veteran of last year's Freshman team, has won his place as a result of well-earned victories over a numbers of the strongest competitors in the first flight.

The tournament, which has been going on since June 1 and about 38 entries, Although an innovation this year, it proved more successful than was expected, and the officers of the University Golf Association are hoping to hold a second tournament during the fall, B. K. Clay '25 and Joseph Reckford '24 were champions respectively of the second and third fights.
