The following examinations in courses offered by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences will be given today and Monday. All examinations, unless otherwise specified, will begin at 9.15. EXAMINATIONS TODAY Chemistry 4 Baker-Ohl (inclusive) Sever 5 Parisi-Williams (inclusive) Sever 6 Chemistry 34 Sever 6 Economics 11 Anderson-Lindsay (inclusive) Sever 17 Marget-Yanover (inclusive) Sever 18 English 16 Abermethy-Shea (inclusive) Sever 23 Sleeper-Wright (inclusive) Sever 24 Fine Arts 4c Fogg Lect.-rm. Fine Arts 18 Fogg Small rm. French 5 Sever 24 French 11 hf Sever 29 French 24 Sever 5 German H Sever 29 Government 6 Emerson A Indic Philology 1b Widener A Latin 15 Sever 29 Psychology B Emerson D Psychology 5 Emerson D Slavic 2b Sever 29 Zoology 5 Sever 18 EXAMINATIONS MONDAY Anthropology 1 Sever 11 Chemistry 15 Anson-Gilfoy (inclusive) Sever 23 Gregory-Nowak (inclusive) Sever 24 Ohl-Woolpert (inclusive) Sever 30 Chemistry 17 Sever 17 Economics 5 Abelovitz-Fisher (inclusive) Sever 1 Friendly-Kingsbury (inclusive) Sever 2 Kuhns-Poole (inclusive) Sever 7 Pride-Van Alstyne (inclusive) Sever 8 Velleman-Zutt (inclusive) Sever 11 Economics 41 Emerson F Education C Lawrence 7 English 1 Baird-Emmons (inclusive) Emerson A Enders-Wood (inclusive) Emerson D Fine Arts 1f Robinson Lect. Rm. Fine Arts 2a Fogg. Mus. Fine Arts 2b Fogg. Mus. Fine Arts 3b Sever 5 French 26 Sever 5 Geology 15 Zool. Lect.-rm. German 1a I Sever 17 German 21 Sever 17 Government 19 Sever 6 History Mr. Schaeffer's sects. 1, 12, 16, 20, 25 New Lect. Hall Mr. Bean's sects. 2, 11, 14, 18, 23 New Lect. Hall Mr. Albion's sects. 4, 9, 26, 29 Geol. Lect. Hall Mr. MacKenzie's sects. 8, 28, 31, 34 Zool. Lect.-rm. Mr. Jordan's sects. 7, 21, 30, 33 Emerson D Mr. Artz's sects. 3, 10 Sever 36 Mr. Artz's sects. 22, 27 Sever 35 Mr. Baldwin's sect. 5 Harvard 2 Mr. Baldwin's sect. 13, 17, 32 Harvard 5 Mr. Hansen's sect. 19 Harvard 2 Mr. Hansen's sects. 6, 15, 24 Harvard 6 History 3b New Lect. Hall Hist. of Religions 1b Sever 5 Hygiene 1 Harvard 3 Hygiene 2 Pierce 202 Italian 2 Geol. Lect.-rm. Latin 8 Sever 29 Mathematics 2,I Birch-Huntington (inclusive) Sever 18 Hutchinson-Wintringham (inclusive) Sever 20 Mathematics 23 Sever 18 Music 2 Sever 18 Philosophy 12c Emerson A Physics 5b Geol. Lect.-rm. Semitic 9b Sever 29 2 P. M. Social Ethics A Emerson D Engineering School 9.15 A. M. Engineering 226 Pierce 202 Engineering 411 (Hygiene 2) Pierce 202