

To Hold a Two-Day Session--Will Give Special Attention to Business School and Inspection of Grounds

As announced recently, the Board of Overseers of the University will hold a two-day meeting today and tomorrow, which will include its annual inspection of the University. A careful review and study will be made of the work and plans of the Graduate School of Business Administration.

Today the meeting will begin at 9.15 o'clock with a business conference, followed at 11 o'clock by reports on the Graduate School of Business Administration, the Bureau of Business Research, and the Case system of teaching, which has been recently introduced into the Business School. Dean W. B. Donham '98, Professor M. T. Copeland '07, and Professor J. G. Callan will speak to the Board on these subjects, each describing the particular department with which he deals.

At 1 o'clock the members of the Board will lunch at the Union, following which, they will meet in the Faculty Room in University Hall, where they will consider the tentative plans made for the future development of the University grounds and the preliminary sketches made for the purpose. The Board will then accompany the architects who have charge of the work, in an inspection of the grounds.

At 10 o'clock tomorrow morning the Board will again meet in University Hall. At the close of this meeting, the operation of the University Press will be explained. A dinner to be given for the members of the Board of Overseers by the Board of Governors of the Harvard Club of Boston will close the session.
