

Performances Tonight and Thursday at 8.15 in Brattle Hall--First Time Guitry's Play Put On in This Country--Has Historical Note

When it presents "Beranger" tonight and Thursday night at 8.15 o'clock at Brattle Hall, and Wednesday afternoon at 2.15 o'clock at the Copley Theatre, Boston, the Dramatic Club will put into use for the first time a number of remarkable experiments in scenery, costumes, and lighting, as well as introducing to an American audience for the first time one of the greatest of Sacha Gultry's plays. In the scenery and costumes.

The play, which tells the life-story of Beranger, the famous French composer of the early 19th century, is both biographical and historical in nature, including among its characters Talleyrand, the famous figure in French political life of the time.

Songs to Feature Program

Among the other features of the performance will be a number of songs, the singers of which have been coached by Dr. A. T. Davison '06, Director of the University Glee Club. These songs will include "The King of Yvetot", Beranger's best-known composition.

One of the most interesting experiments which is being made in the production is the use of stairways, arches, and solid masses, instead of the usual backdrop and wings. It has long been felt that the old method gives not only a false perspective, but does not lend itself easily to the effect which the scene-designer wishes to give.


Tickets for all three performances may be purchased at the Cooperative Society, Leavitt and Peirce's, or at the door. The curtain will rise promptly at 8.15 o'clock tonight.

The cast is as follows: A Young Man,  Alexander Hamilton '25 A Grisette,  Miss Secoy Marie,  Miss Googins Madelaine,  Miss Googins Marguerite,  Miss Googins Desauglers,  W. C. Jackson '23 A Waiter,  W. A. Pallme '25 A Servant Girl,  Miss Wellman Members of the Caveau of 1813,  C. D. Morgan '24   J. N. Miller '25   P. V. Smith '25   J. M. Brown '23 The Proprietor of the Inn in 1813,  T. E. Fry '23 Beranger,  J. J. Collier '23 Talleyrand,  Conrad Sallinger '23 Two Young Girls  Misses Middleton and Stone A Soldier,  A. I. Behrens '25 Mere Jary,  Miss Middleton Paul, a Carpenter,  J. N. Miller '25 The Innkeeper in 1845,  Miss Secoy The Members of the Caveau in 1845,  J. M. Brown '23   A. I. Behrens '25   Alexander Hamilton '25
