The first game of the interdormitory baseball series will be played Friday afternoon between the Standish and Smith Hall teams.
Coach Frazier now has a squad of 25 men working out under him and he expects to develop three dormitory teams before Friday. The following schedule of 12 games has been arranged for the championship:
May 5.--Standish vs. Smith.
May 8.--Smith vs. Gore.
May 10.--Standish vs. Gore.
May 12.--Standish vs. Smith.
May 15.--Smith vs. Gore.
May 17.--Standish vs. Gore.
May 19.--Standish vs. Smith.
May 22.--Smith vs. Gore.
May 24.--Standish vs. Gore.
May 26.--Standish vs. Smith.
May 29.--Smith vs. Gore.
May 31.--Standish vs. Gore.
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