

List Not Complete with 15 Men Expected--Approximate Cost of Trip to Lake George is $20

The speakers for the Silver Bay Conference to be held this year on Lake George June 15-23 were announced recently by the committee in charge.

Although the list of leaders and speakers is not complete as yet, the following are expected: Mr. Fletcher S. Brockman, the Reverend Henry Sloane Coffin D.D., Mr. A. Bruce Curry, the Reverend Harry Emerson Fosdick, Mr. Ralph Harlow, Mr. Henry Hobson, Professor Kenneth S. Latonrette, Mr. John R. Mott, Mr. Arthur Rugh, Mr. Frank M. Sheldon, Mr. Sam Sroemaker, the Reverend Robert Elliott Speer, Mr. Robert P. Wilder, Professor Henry B. Wright, and Mr. Elmer Yelton.

A program fee of $5 will be charged all delegates to the conference and the cost of room and board will be $20. The railroad fare for the trip from Boston or New York and return will be approximately $20.

Silver Bay can be reached by motor from Boston in one day, and those going West will find it only a short distance out of their way.

Delegates attending the conference will be able to reach New London for the races on June 23 by leaving Silver Bay one day early.


There will be an opportunity for a few men who wish to attend to earn their expenses at the Conference by waiting on table.
