The last recital in the series of public organ recitals for the season of 1921-22 will be given in Appleton Chapel this afternoon at 5 o'clock. the following program will be presented by Dr. A. T. Davison '06, assisted by J. f. Lautner ocC., tenor: Prelude Vierne Andante Guilmant Dr. Davison Recitative,"Deeper and deeper still" Handel Aria, "Waft her, Angels, through the skies" Handel J. F. Lautner Gavotte Bach Pastorale Franck Prelude and Fugue in C major Bach Dr. Davison "If thou thy heart wilt give me" Bach "I attempt from love's sickness to fly" Purcell "Who is Sylvia" Schubert J. F. Lautner. Evening Harmonies Karg-Elert Finale (Second Symphony) Widor Dr. Davison.