Great interest naturally has attached to the recent discoveries of Mr. Hammond and Professor Chaffee in the field of wireless. By employing a sort of ethereal "hog-Latin" they are able to send out a jumble of waves which can only be understood by those in possession of the "key". All those who have ever enjoyed (?) the luxury of hearing Mary Garden, Sousa's Band and Bert Lowe's dance orchestra working away merrily at one and the same time on 360 meters will no doubt be delighted with this new system for secret wireless communication. To be sure the "air" will no longer be free, tickets to the nightly radio concerts bearing the "modulus" and wave combination will ere long have to be purchased by all who do not wish to be left "out in the cold, cold ether". But at least there will be only one communication coming in out of the sky at a given time-no slight advantage for those who cannot "tune" accurately.
The point of chief interest to the undergraduates, however, is the revolution in our educational system which the new discoveries seem bound to bring about. Many a youth with more ingenuity than love of knowledge has spent sundry pleasant hours in figuring out how he might listen to his nine o'clock lecture without the uncomfortable concomitant of getting out of bed. But with "directed", untapable wireless an actual fact, the educational importance of Big Bens and roommates notebooks is certain ere long to be reduced to nil. Lectures will soon be given by the Professor between his-grapefruit and his omelette, with perhaps a humorous aside while his wife is buttering the toast. As for class rooms, there will be no further need for them, and the dormitory shortage at Harvard will undoubtedly be met by turning Sever and the New Lecture Hall into comfortable, suites-after the manner of Grays. No method has as yet been suggested for conducting laboratory courses on a wireless basis but the toilers within the noisome halls of Boylston still live in hope. University Extension will soon be a mere matter of Kilowatts, and the Edison Light Company is destined shortly to become the educational centre of the community. As for the Summer School; but then, even the sight of pretty "coeds" disporting themselves on the shady paths in front of Holworthy will hardly turn the determined undergraduate from his purpose. The Summer School must go; progress demands it! For now the earnest student can listen to any distinguished professor while camping in the Maine woods or en route to Europe.
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