

Vast Changes and a World Forum

As the distributor of Knowledge, the college of today has no monopoly. It is not even a very important agency. As the home of creative thought, the college has made little impression on the modern world. Well, it has one function left. It has money, and it offers a livelihood to one who fain would devote himself to matters of the spirit. It does-but on what terms and conditions?

Vast changes lie ahead. Intelligence divines them. Creative thought strives to comprehend and forecast. It must of necessity sap the foundations of men's little systems-the very systems which they struggle to sustain by gifts of money!

The mediaeval doctor had to find an academic berth or starve. The modern doctor-editor publicist, reviewer, critic, or author-has a thousand channels open to him, thanks to the printing press. It is true no gaping crowds of docile youth are compelled to stop in the highways and by-ways to listen whether they will or not. But the modern doctor who a message will be heard and sustained outside academic walls. He may, if he looks too far ahead, suffer the martyr's fate. But, if he chooses the wiser method of teaching those things the multitude can hear, he may sustain himself without resort to the tender mercies of trustees, presidents; and bursars. His earnings may, indeed, be sufficient to lift him above the feelings of indigence so destructive to free thinking. He may avoid commencement oration, Phi Beta Kappa addresses, the conferring of honorary degrees faculty meetings, examinations, and pestiferous students. No Carnegie pension lulls him into cheap security and carries him gently downward to the serene futility of a retired Indian civil servant. He can teach in the great forum of the wide world, and as a laborer he is worthy of his hire. Why, then, should the teacher burden himself with academic routine and with slavery to adolescence when he has a thousand other avenues open to his talents? Somnia Vana in The Freeman.
