

Visitors Win Only One Set Over Second String Players--Duane Only Regular in Line-Up Stars With Brilliant Exhibition of Speed

The University second tennis team strengthened by the presence of Captain Duane of the University team, gained its second victory of the week when it defeated Tufts College on the Divinity courts yesterday afternoon with the loss of but a single set. In every contest the visitors were outclassed, the sole three set match proving to no exception inasmuch as Frost, after losing the first set to Schmuck, won the next two without the loss of a game.

The summary:

Singles.--Duane (H) defeated Garabedian (T), 6-2, 6-0; Kleberg (H) defeated Crowell (T), 6-0, 6-0; Frost (H) defeated Schmuck (T), 4-6, 6-0, 6-0; Dibblee (H) defeated Ravich (T) 8-6, 6-2.

Doubles.--Frost and Kleberg (H) defeated Garabedian and Ravich (T), 6-1, 6-2; DuBois and Dibblee (H) defeated Crowell and Schmuck (T), 6-1, 7-5.

The second team will play the Newton Squash Club at 4.30 o'clock this afternoon on the courts at Newton Center. Last year the match resulted in a tie and at the contest today should also be close. Only three singles and two double matches will be played.


The second team line-up follows:

Singles.--(1) C. W. Farnham, (2) Kleberg, (3) Frost.

Doubles.--(1) Farnham and Frost, (2) Kleberg and Dibblee.
