

Two days to go, and only an insignificant fraction of the University's quota in the Louvain Library drive has been subscribed. The situation, as the Committee has stated, is grave. In all quarters the solicitors report unconcern. The only explanation is that the students do not yet understand its importance, or have not been made to feel the peculiar appropriateness of our share in raising the fund.

We have answered willingly enough to half-a-dozen appeals during the past year; instead of taking that fact as an excuse for not giving now, we must regard it as an added reason for coming to the aid of Louvain. These other drives, worthy enough in themselves, have not been ones in which we could take personal interest; the present fund is one to which we can give with the knowledge that our small share will be used for a purpose in which we have a particular concern. The idea of the colleges of America joining to rebuild that great library of Belgium is appealing in itself; no one with a grain of sentiment or a spark of gratitude to Belgium could refuse.

The excuse of poverty--when the request is for only a dollar--cannot be taken seriously. If the drive is to succeed, the slogan must be observed to the letter:

"Everybody--one dollar and no more."


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