

Only 5 Percent of University's Allotted Share So Far Received--Committee Plans to Continue Campaign if Proposed Sum Is Not Reached This Week

Only slightly more than five percent of the University's $5000 quota in the Louvain Library drive has been turned in to date according to the statement given out by the Executive Committee last night. The College has contributed only $180 toward its $2600 quota.

With four days of the week's campaign already past, the Committee considers the situation very grave. Since only a few of the collectors have turned in their receipts, however, the Committee hopes for considerable improvement by tonight. A third letter will be sent out to each collector today asking for an immediate report as to the result of his canvassing. The need for intensive work during the remaining days of the campaign will be stressed. Each collector must personally see every man in his territory before Thursday night.

The Committee, although anxious about the immediate success of the drive, feels certain that the quota can eventually be filled. If the present week's drive does not bring in the expected amount the campaign will be continued under a new system of collection until every member of the University has contributed or at least has been canvassed for his one dollar share of the quota.
