The second University baseball team will meet the second Brown nine at Soldiers Field at 3.30 o'clock this afternoon. Though the Providence scrubs have met none of the same teams that have faced the University, it is expected that they will furnish stiff opposition for several times they have defeated the first Brown team in practice games.
The infield is especially formidable and this with a powerful battery furnishes the greatest threat to the University. Though the line-up has not been definitely decided Cornell will probably start in the pitcher's box. He has done consistent work this season and has proved himself the most reliable pitcher on the squad. Rogers, Paterson, and Hoffman are all good men at the plate and it to they who will be relied upon for scoring.
Coach Raymond will use much the same line-up that defeated the strong Huntington team by the score of 3-1 on Thursday, though it is doubtful if Brown, who was largely responsible for the victory, will be used. The line-up follows:
Ross 3b., Cooper e.f., Lucas r.f., Norris 1b., Bullard 2b., Murphy l.f., Worthingion s.s., Keegan c., Young p.
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