The University second tennis team, playing the steady game which has marked their work this year, defeated Springfield College on the Divinity courts yesterday afternoon with the loss of but one of the six matches played. In every case the contests were won in straight sets, for the most part with ease; the match that went to the visitors proving to be no exception, inasmuch as Rockhill defeated Frost with the loss of but a single game.
The hardest-fought match of the afternoon was the third singles in which Kleberg of the University defeated Graves, 12-10, 6-2. In the first set Kleberg's work was slightly wild, and the contest lasted many games before he finally struck his stride. C. W. Farnham was the most effective man on the Crimson team, his steadiness overcoming Hoh with ease in the first singles and featuring the first doubles match.
The summary:
Singles--C. W. Farnham (H) defeated Hoh (S), 6-0, 6'1: Rockhill (S) defeated Frost (H) 6-0 6-1: Kleberg (H) defeated Graves (S), 12-10, 6-2: Dibblee (H) defeated McGutchean (S), 8-6, 6-3.
Doubles Farnham and Frost (H) defeated Rockhill and McCutcheon (S), 6-4, 6-0; Kleberg and Dibblee (H) defeated Hoh and Graves (S), 6-3, 608.
Final score, Harvard 5, Springfield 1.
The second team will face Oskley Country Club at 3 o'clock this afternoon on the courts at Waverly. The club team has played no matches as yet this spring, but it is supposed to have a team that should compare favorably with the seconds.
The line ups follow
University Second Team. Singles: 1, C. W. Farnham; 2, Kleberg; 8, Dibblee; 4, Frost; 5, Cummings; 6 Dullois, Doub les; 1. Faruham and Frost; 2, Kleberg and Dibblee; 3. Cummings and Du Bois.
Oakely Country Club, Singles 1, Vickery; 2, Goodrich; 3, Kent; 4, Carleton; 5, Wellington; 6, Chase, Doubles; 1, Vickery and Chase; 2, Kent and Wellington; 3, Carleton and Goodrich.
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