

With the latest inundation of pink, blue, and yellow cards reinforced by important notices and stamped return envelope directions, there has been a great increase in the ranks of the free-thinking Seniors who complain that it is twice as difficult to leave the University as to enter t--as far as sign-the-dotted-line exercises are concerned. Moreover, it is said that at least four Seniors, last year, became so entangled in the maze of invitations, debutantes and dates, that they found themselves confronted at the beginning of Commencement Week by three girls apiece--each expecting to be feted as "the only one". Truly terrible is the result of a blind plunge into the mass, but the sliding scale of prices forms a nether millstone from which there is no escape. By means of innumerable notices telling him what to do and how to do it, and almost innumerable lightenings of the family exchequer, the Senior is being gently pushed to the brink.

As a matter of fact, the Senior can reduce both the number of notices and the inroads on his bank account by a little exercise of the art acquired in Concentration and Distribution. An hour, say, or an afternoon should suffice to make perfectly clear the directions relating to Commencement Week--and the sooner the cheaper. Saturday, the thirteenth, is the last day on which Seniors may file their first group of applications. After that the inexorable law of supply and demand!
