Although no figures were given out, the Louvain Library drive committee announced last night that the results of the first day's campaign were very promising.
The canvassing will continue today, tomorrow, and next week until the University's $5000 quota is raised. Red Louvain drive tags are available for collectors at the Crimson Building and the committee urges that the collectors distribute them to the men as they pay.
A chart will be put up in Leavitt and Peirce's today showing the progress of the drive in the College and in each of the graduate schools. As the drive progresses, the percentage of the quotas raised in each of the schools, based on the following divisions of the total quota, will be shown on the chart and announced in the CRIMSON from day to day: College $2600, Law School $950, Medical School $460, Business School $450. Engineering School $260, Dental School $180, Divinity School $50, Architectural School $50.
Collectors are to turn in the receipts of the day's canvassing each afternoon between 3 and 5 o'clock to Chairman C. D. Whidden '23 at the Crimson Building. The committee wishes to stress the importance of each collector's reporting daily so that the total amount already raised may be known.
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