In the prize essay contest held by the Union, the first prize has been won by Charles Maxwell McConn 1G. of Cambridge, for an essay entitled "The Breadth of Time". The second prize was won by Mark Alexis Kister Jr. ocC, of Glens Falls, N. Y., for an essay entitled "A Modern Novel". Honorable mention has been given to George Gerard Tunell Jr. E.S. of Chicago, Ill. and to George Estes Barton 2nd '25 of Millville, N. J.
The first and second prizes, which are $100 and $50 respectively, will be awarded at the annual Union Spring dinner to be held sometime this month. The judges for this contest were Professor K. G. T. Webster '93, Professor E. K. Rand '94, and Professor J. T. Murray '99. Those who were unsuccessful in the contest may call for their manuscripts at the attendant's desk in the Union Library.
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