

The purpose of the Harvard Mission, as stated at its founding on June 5, 1904, is to "arouse, maintain and increase among undergraduates and alumni an intelligent interest and participation in the work of foreign missions and to secure men for positions in other countries." An effort has been made this year to make up a list of all the available positions in foreign work, to keep in close touch with men who are interested in foreign work of any sort, and to arouse the missionary interest of Harvard men in all possible ways.

The most important work of the Mission is that which has been done this year by G. P. Hayes (A.M. '20), who was sent last year as the representative of the Mission to Robert College, Constantinople. His work has consisted chiefly of teaching. English to students representing all the races in the Near East.

Two mission study groups, running for four weeks each, have been held. The fall group extended from November 21st through December 12th and was under the leadership of Professor James Thayer Addison '09 of the Episcopal School. In this course the subject of "Educational Missions" was discussed, and the average weekly attendance was five. The second or spring group extended from March 7th through April 4th, and was led by Professor Edward Caldwell Moore, Plummer Professor of Christian Morals and Chairman of the American Board of Foreign Missions. The subject of the group was "The College Man and Missions." Fifteen men signed up, with an average attendance of six. There is no question but these groups are extremely successful, and the committee advises their continuance another year. The discussions this year have undertaken to indicate to the college men that the field of endeavor in the missionary work is broad and that there are infinite possibilities.

Among the fall activities of the Mission one was the sending out of Christmas greeting cards to all Harvard graduates engaged in missionary work; an- other consisted in a conference on the eve of the Harvard-Yale football game, Friday afternoon, November 18th, between the Yale and Harvard undergraduate mission committees. Princeton was also invited to send delegates to this conference, but was unable to do so. At this conference, held in the Noble Room of Phillips Brooks House, the various methods used in both colleges for conducting missionary work were discussed; actual experiences of graduates in Yale-China, both Yale and Harvard men at the Grenfell Mission in Labrador, and the Harvard work at Robert College were narrated; and plans for the improvement and enlargement of the work at both colleges were brought up. A considerable amount of good resulted from this meeting, and it is the opinion of this committee that a similar conference ought to be held next year.

The activities of the Mission during the winter and early spring periods have centered mainly about the endeavor to interest men directly in the work. Towards this end the committee has taken an active interest in the cause of the Grenfell Mission in Labrador and a new member has been added to conduct this part of the work, E. K. Merrill '34, who has had some actual experience in the Labrador work. Articles have been put in the CRIMSON and interviews have been held with men interested in the work. An effort was made to obtain Bishop Charles H. Brent of the diocese of New York to speak in the Union on April 27th and plans were completed for his talk, but due to unexpected business he was unable to accept the invitation.


On March 9th Mr. Albert W. Staub, Executive Secretary of Robert College, Constantinople and of Beirut University, Syria, spent the day in Cambridge, holding personal interviews with some thirty men with regard to the opportunities in the Near East. On April 6th Mr. Galen M. Fisher, Y. M. C. A. Secretary for Japan, will hold conferences with men on the work that may be done in a missionary way in that country. All the conferences have been held in the Randall Room, Phillips Brooks House.

This year's committee is issuing a report of the activities of the Mission from 1914 through 1922--the Sixth Report to be issued by the undergraduate committee. The report will contain the work of the committee at home during the period, articles by Harvard graduates in the missionary field, together with illustrated photographs, an article on the Harvard-Yale Mission Conference held on November 18th, and also suggestions as to the future. The report will be published about June 1st. It is the earnest desire of the committee that the work of the Mission may each year be of increasing service and that suggestions will be received from all interested members of the University, faculty, and alumni. Only by considering the various possibilities and trying out new ideas from time to time can an advance be made and progress be kept as the watchword.

The members of this year's committee were: W. E. Stearns '23, chairman, B. M. Henry '24, secretary, R. E. Anderson, Jr. '23, R. F. Bradford '23, J. N. Logan '23, A. L. Moffat '23, E. N. Carson '24, J. S. Littell '24, R. T. Loring '24, and E. K. Merrill '24.  Wallace E. Stearns '23 Chairma
