

Dr. Glover Acquainted With Ghandi and Other Leading Men of India-Will Explain Hindu Point of View-Talk Under Grad Schools Society

Dr. Terrot Reavely Glover, Fellow and classical lecturer at St. John's College, Cambridge, England, and famous authority on subjects relating to India, will be the speaker at a meeting which will be held this evening at 8 o'clock in Phillips Brooks House, under the auspices of the Graduate Schools Society. His subject will be "The Transformation of India."

Dr. Glover has spent many years in India, studying the economic and social problems which are of prime importance there. He is well acquainted with Ghandi, the leader of the Hindu insurrectionists, and also with many of the leading Englishmen. In this way, he knows both sides of one of the great problems of the world today, the Indian situation.

In addition to this, as a teacher of Christian doctrines, he has had a great deal to do with the natives themselves, and knows their habits and customs, as well as their point of view. It is the Hindu point of view which the world at large must understand in order to comprehend the Ghandi revolt against English rule, which has completely transformed India, and changed it from a nation of submissive onlookers to one of active revolutionists.

Aside from political and social problems, Dr. Glover will discuss the industrial transformation that has been taking place in India, during the last decade. Modern machinery and methods are fast taking the place of time - honored but crude practices in industry and agriculture. The transformation has been far-reaching, and Dr. Glover knows every phase of it, through long experience.
