

Competitive Practice Will Begin This Afternoon--Hammer-Throwing Contest Today, and High Jump Tomorrow--Squads Total 264

In spite of the snowstorm 156 men were out for the University track squad the end of last week, and 108 with the Freshmen, making a total that is slightly larger than the 262 men who were reporting to Coach Bingham after a week of last year's season. As the board track has been removed the runners were forced to work out with the field event men underneath the Stadium.

The work during the past week has been of a conditioning nature, but beginning with the practice this afternoon, Coach Bingham intends to bring a competitive spirit into the practice. It will be impossible to have actual time trials for the runners until the new track has dried, but Coach Bingham will drill the men thoroughly in getting under way quickly on the hard-packed earth beneath the Stadium. At 2.30 o'clock this afternoon there will be a competition in the hammer throw in which members of both University and Freshman squads will take part. At 2.30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon Coach Farrell will conduct a similar competition among the high-jumpers.

Mr. R. C. Foster '11, captain of the track team in his Senior year, and former intercollegiate champion in the 100 and 220-yard dash will be at Soldiers Field tomorrow afternoon to help in coaching the sprinters. At Coach Bingham's request several other former University track men will help out from time to time.
