

Collegiate Harmony

It is almost invariably the case that when two large institutions exist in close proximity rivalry manifests itself. This condition is amply exemplified by the present attitude of Technology toward Harvard. A healthy spirit of rivalry, especially of the type which accompanies athletic contests, is to be desired, but prejudice based upon misunderstanding is unnecessary and may prove detrimental.

The average Technology student is too prone to accept hearsay evidence alone without troubling to ascertain the truth for himself. Very few seem to take into consideration the fact that Harvard has given timely aid to Institute activities on several occasions. An example of this is the recent gift by Harvard of a shell for the use of our crews. To the uninitiated this may seem a trivial matter, but to Institute oarsmen, after being compelled to work for years with inadequate equipment, such a gift appears to be little short of a God-send. And then, again, Harvard has frequently supplied sweeps, judges, and timers for Technology crew races.

Now, whereas we all welcome the ardent loyalty to the home team which intercollegiate competition engenders, lot us remember that true sportsmanship involves the ability to see this same quality in one's rivals. --"The Tech"
