The Freshman track team will journey to Andover this afternoon to meet the strong academy team in the opening meet of the spring season.
Although Coach Tolbert's men will make up one of the strongest aggregations which has represented the yearlings in many years, they will have difficulty in defeating the crack Andover team. The latter recently overwhelmed the Technology Freshmen, taking ten places in the 14 events. Wolfe, who broke the school 12-pound hammer record in the meet by hurling the ball 167 feet 2 inches, and Allen, who was timed in 2 minutes 3 seconds for the 880-yard run, are two certain point-winners for the Blue team.
Fletcher and Hull, the Freshman entries in both the low and high hurdles, have been consistently showing good form in practice and are expected to come through winners today, Jones, whom Captain Allen of Andover defeated in the 880-yard run by a scant few yards last year, will push his former rival to the limit this afternoon, while de Rham and Murphy are counted on for points in the 100-yard dash. The Freshmen are comparatively weak in the field events although Dunker should place well up to the front in the shot-put.
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