

All Men Admitted to College After June, 1920, Must Show Reading and Elementary Knowledge of Either French or German

The College Office has announced the following rules for the examinations in French and German:

"All students who were admitted to Harvard College after June, 1920, are required to show a reading knowledge of French or German and an elementary knowledge of the other language.

Exams to Test Reading Knowledge

"The required reading knowledge can only be shown by passing a special written examination or, if a student has tried and failed this written examination, by passing an oral examination.

"The written examination will be held on Tuesday, May 16, at 5 P. M., in Emerson D.


"The oral examination is open only to those students who have tried and failed the written examination to test a reading knowledge. It will be held on Tuesday afternoon, May 16. Candidates will be told when and where to report.

Exams to Test Elementary Knowledge

"The required elementary knowledge of the other language may be met in the following ways:

"(1) By passing French A or German A with a satisfactory grade or by passing a higher course in French or German.

"(2) By passing the elementary admission examination with a satisfactory grade or by passing the advanced admission examination.

"(3) By passing a special examination to test elementary knowledge.

"Special examination to test elementary knowledge will be held on Monday, May 15, at 5 P. M., in Emerson D.

"All applications for these examinations must be filed at 4 University Hall before 5 P. M., Friday, May 12.

"Students who entered with the class of 1924 are reminded that this will be the last opportunity to meet these requirements without incurring discipline."
