

Bishop Brent to Lecture at Brooks House at 7 o'clock Tomorrow Evening--University Members Invited--Is Prominent Church Worker

The Right Reverend Charles Henry Brent, D.D., Bishop of Western New York, will address the Christian Association at 7 o'clock tomorrow night in Phillips Brooks House. His subject will be announced later. All members of the University are invited.

Bishop Brent has been prominent in church affairs for many years. In 1901, he became bishop of the Philippine Islands, in which capacity he served until 1920. He gave the William Belden Noble lectures at the University in 1907. From 1908 to 1909 he was president of the International Opium Commission. In 1911 he went to the Hague where he remained until 1912 as president of the International Opium Conference.

In addition to his other activities, Bishop Brent has been the author of several well-known books. "The Consolations of the Cross," "The Mind of Christ," and "Prisoners of Hope" are his most famous works.
