

Boston University Brings Strong Nine to Meet University--Coach Slattery to Start Goode on Mound and Murphy as Catcher

HARVARD  BOSTON UNIV Conlon, s.s.,  c.f.,Toland Gordon, r.f.  r.f., Timmins Jenkins, 2b.  3b., Furness Owen, 1b.  c., Williamson Murphy,-c.  l.f., Cockrane Lincoln, 3b.  2b., Dilion Janin, l.f.  1b., Ruane Hallock, c.f.  s.s., Crosson Goode, p.  p., Small

The University nine will meet the stiffest opposition of the season to date when the Boston University team invades Soldiers Field this afternoon for the game at 2.30 o'clock.

Coach Slattery will start Goode on the mound, Murphy as catcher, and Gordon in right field. Otherwise the line-up will remain the same as on Wednesday.

Small, who pitched for Boston University last year when the Crimson knocked out seven hits for a 5-1 victory, will start again today. The visitors defeated Brown on Wednesday, 5 to 4.

The University baseball squad of twenty-two men, together with Coach Slattery and Pooch Donovan, and three managers, will leave tonight on the Federal Express on the annual Southern training trip.


The squad will go directly to Atlanta, Georgia, arriving Monday morning. A long practice will be field daily on the splendid Georgian Technology School diamond.

On Wednesday and Thursday afternoons the University team will face the strong Georgia Tech nine.
