

Will Help Determine Make-Up of University 150-Pound Crew--Senior Eight Has Advantage--Regular Class Shells in Contest Tomorrow

The three 150-pound class crews, Senior, Junior, and Sophomore, will race over the mile course this afternoon at 3.45 o'clock. The race will be of more importance than any work that has been given the 150-pound crews heretofore and will determine to a large extent the make-up of the University 150-pound crew which will be chosen immediately after the April Recess.

The Senior eight will have the advantage, at least as regards experience and probably as regards the stroke, since a large number of last year's 150-pound crew, including R. C. Wolcott '22, are Seniors.

Tomorrow Coach Brown plans to have a mile race in the Basin for a large number of the better regular class crews. One or both of the University crews may possibly be entered. In either case the work will furnish a good indication of the progress and relative ability of the crews. At present it would seem that the Junior crews had better oarsmen than the other classes and that one of their eights will be the most likely to lead across the finish line tomorrow.

Meeting for Walst Men

Last night there was a meeting for all oarsmen rowing 4, 5, and 6 on the more important crews with the Graduate Committee on Waist Men. The meeting was of the same type as that held last week for the bow men and was intended to offer an opportunity for discussion and criticism of the work of these men.


Dr. Howe has been spending the last few days with the University squad in trying out men who have just been declared eligible.
