

President Lowell, Deans Donham and Greenough, and Professor Edgell to Explain Choice of Electives

The Committee on the Choice of Electives, desiring that all Freshmen should have an understanding of the system of concentration and distribution, has arranged for a series, of speeches on this subject, to be given this morning at 9 o'clock in the New Lecture Hall. This period is usually reserved for History I. President Lowell, Dean W. B. Donham '98, of the Business School, Dean C. N. Greenough '98, and Professor G. H. Edgell '09, chairman of the committee, will speak. All Freshmen who are taking this course, as well as all those who have no other college engagements at this time are required to attend, but upperclassmen taking History I will be excused.

The purpose of these speeches, and any others that may be given for those who cannot attend at this hour, is to give Freshmen a clear idea of the requirements and restrictions limiting their choice of electives. Pamphlets have been sent out, explaining these matters, and the speeches this morning will supplement and explain the pamphlets. All Freshmen must hand in cards containing their choice of concentration and plan for college courses, countersigned by their faculty advisors, on or before May 1.
