

Members of Class of 1925 Will Meet at 9 Tomorrow--President Lowell and Others Will Speak--Attendance of 25 Men Without Classes Required

The Committee on the choice of electives has announced that President Lowell, Dean W. B. Donham '98 of the Business School, Dean C. N. Greenough '98, and Professor G. H. Edgell '09, chairman of the committee, will speak to members of the Freshman class on the subject of the choice of electives, in the New Lecture Hall tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock. This period is ordinarily occupied by History 1. All Freshmen who are taking this course, and also those who have no other college engagement at this time will be required to attend, but upperclassmen taking History 1 will be excused from attendance.

The Committee gives these lectures every year, in order to make sure that all Freshmen understand the requirements for selection of courses and of subjects for concentration. Pamphlets have been sent out explaining these requirements in full, and this lecture, and others that man be given for those Freshmen who cannot attend tomorrow, are for the purpose of explaining any points that are ambiguous and not made clear by the pamphlets.
