Dere CRIME Editer,
Lemme ferlicitate you on your magnuficint editorial about the P B Cappers I agree wid you down to the ground, but you don't put it strong enough.
Mr. Editer why not cum right out and say it we guys dont cum to college to learn things but to have one h--l of a good timegosh yes lemme quotate Dink Stover in his book on College Life at Yale.
For father and mother pay all the bills And we have all the funn
For it aint for knollidge that we cum to college
I ferget the rest but thats enough anyway
Another thing mr Editer it eint fair that these Capper fellows should go around sportin that little gold dingus of theirs while the poor nuglected atheletic heroes haint got nothing to show for it.
Mr. Editer dye want me to tell you what to do? Just let all these atheletikers paste a nice white H on the seat of their pants and the P B Cappers will die of envy
Hey why dont they?
Dont fergit what i said about what we cum to college for. CHARLES E. TEETER JR. '23 April 9, 1922.
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