

Forty Members of Club to be Guests of Honor at Dinner in Trophy Room--Program Nearly Same as Sung at Cooper Union Last Sunday

The University Glee Club will hold its annual Union concert at 8 o'clock this evening in the Living Room. For the first time the cup which the club won in the recent contest in New Yok will be on exhibition. Before the concert the 40 members of the club who are to sing will be the guests of the Governing Board at a dinner to be held in the Trophy Room at 7 o'clock.

The program will be nearly the same as was rendered at the Cooper Union on Sunday, but one of thye solos will be omitted. The feature of the concert, which is to be under the direction of Dr. A. T. Davison '06, will be "Salamaleikum" by Cornelius with the solo by C. D. Whidden '22.

The program follows: Come, Thou, Oh Come!  Bach Ave. Verum Corpus  Josquin Des Pres Ecce Iam Noctis  Chadwick Dainty, Fine, Sweet Nymph  Morley City of Chow  Bantock Choeur des Chameliers, from "Rebecca"  Franck Cavalier Song  Viellers-Stanford Give a Rouse  Bantock Salamaleikum  Cornelius To All You Ladies Now on Land  Callcott Let Their Celestial Concerts All Unite  Pergolest
