To the Editor of the CRIMSON:
The management of the CRIMSON evidently believes in a 50-50 proposition, fifty percent News and fifty percent Ads, all the way from Jimmie's and Max Keezer to Rogers Peet in New York City and the General Electric in Schenectady. The last named usurps more than a quarter of a page. Page one of Monday's issue is all news but only two columns out of five on page two, one column on page three, two columns on page four. Final score, 10 columns each. This policy may be profitable business, but is it serving the best interests of the College? The first news that I looked for--the list of men at the Infirmary--was not given--crowded out by "Murad" or "English ovals". On your editorial page there was one communication from a Student, a Princeton Freshman, reprinted from the N. Y. Times. Have Harvard men nothing to say, or is what they say unfit for publication? GEORGE L. PAINE '96
March 6, 1922.
(As the Reverend Mr. Paine points out, the percentage of advertising in this issue was exactly fifty percent. This is absolutely necessary to make expenses.--Ed.)
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