With but four more days of practice remaining before the final game of the season with Yale on Saturday, Coach Wachter's basket-men will get their last chance against outside opposition when they meet an informal five from the Business School this evening at 8 o'clock at the Hemenway gymnasium. No admission will be charged.
In spite of the informal character of the Business Men's team, it will be able to offer stiff opposition this evening and should push the crippled University quintet hard, for practically every man has had previous experience on the basketball squads of other colleges. Captain E. H. De Hority 1G.B. at forward was captain of the Indiana team in 1921, W. D. Stuart 1G.B., who holds down one guard berth, was given a place on the "All-Southern" basketball team for his playing on the Virginia Military Institute five last winter, while J. T. Semans 1G. at the other guard is also a former V. M. I. player, and H. E. Weaver 1G.B. in the forward berth played for Franklin Marshall last season.
It is a crippled team which Coach Wachter will start. Captain McLeish is still out as a result of a twisted ankle received in the Brown game, while Fitts broke a blood vessel in his leg just before the contest with M. I. T..
Although it is not known with absolute certainty as yet, there is a good possibility that both Fitts and Captain McLeish will be in shape again in time for the Yale contest Saturday.
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