

The Dramatic Club, at its private performance this evening, departs from the policy hitherto followed in undergraduate theatricals by producing two plays entirely without outside supervision or professional coaching. In the past only the Workshop, which is chiefly a graduate organization, has followed such a course, but now the Dramatic Club has arranged a presentation even the scenery of which is of purely undergraduate work, which differs from the "47" productions only in having professional playwrights as authors.

This action is wholly in keeping with the club's policy of giving to its members the greatest possible experience in all forms of theatrical interest. In this respect the club comes under Benchley's head of "the more or less serious." Its chief appeal is for undergraduates really alive to the possibilities of the drama rather than those who enjoy the publicity of the footlights. This new experiment is typical of its trend away from the amateurish toward the businesslike professional. It will be interesting to see with what success the club has been able to advance into this new field.
