Yesterday afternoon the University baseball squad played a six-inning practice game on Soldiers Field. After the six innings the score stood 17-2 in favor of Team A. Captan A. J. Conlon was high scorer for the afternoon with four runs to his credit while the batting honors went to R. G. Norris '24, who registered a home run and a two-bagger. J. P. Murphy '22, who caught for Team A, also knocked out a homer. E. F. Goode '22, who opened on the slab for the first nine, showed his excellent speed and control of last year. Coach Slattery, however, only used him for three innings in order to give the other pitchers a chance to try their wings.
According to present plans, Teams A and B will take the field for a practice game every afternoon until the outside games start. Coach Slattery will send his two teams on the field this afternoon at 3.30 o'clock for the sceond of these practice tilts.
The summary: Earned runs, Conion 4, Lincoln 1, Norris 2, Buell 2, Janin 1, Murphy 1, Bancroft 1, Lee 1. Sacrifice hits, Thayer, Jenkins. Stolen, bases, Janin, Murphy. Two-base hits, Conlon, Lincoln, Norris, Buell, Thayer. Three-base hits, Conlon, Clark, Rogers. Home runs, Norris, Murphy. Bases on balls, off Bemis, 2; of Russell, 1; off Blair 1. Left on bases, Team A, 4; Team B, 6. Struck out, by Goode, 2; by Russell, 1; by Blair, 1. Hit by pitched ball, Murphy, 1. Passed balls, Murphy, 2. Wild pitches, Blair 1.
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