

Question of University Entries in Henley Regatta Decided--Approves Awards of Insignia

Although at the meeting of the Athletic Association on Tuesday evening it was voted "with regret that the committee could not at, this time break the precedent in sending teams abroad at the expense of the Athletic Association", Captain Morris Duane '28 of the tennis team has announced that three University players together with three from Yale will sail for England on July 4 to play a combined Oxford-Cambridge team. The Athletic Committee, however, has consented to the trip, provided that none of the expense is borne by it.

The two men who are certain of making the trip are Morris Duane '23 and Captain L. E. Williams of Yale. The two remaining members of the trio from each college will be chosen according to their showing during the coming season. It is still undecided as to whether Freshmen can be members of the team.

The English Universities will furnish a guarantee covering the cost of the ocean voyage. The Harvard players will have to bear any additional expenses, but it is expected that these will be slight since the American team will be the guests of their opponents during the tournament.

The team will arrive on the Aquitania in England on July 10. The tournament with Oxford and Cambridge will be played at a club near London on July 17 and 18, the three doubles matches coming on the first day and the six singles on the second.

After the tournament the American players will meet various club teams including Wimbledon, Eastbourne, and Queen's Club. The members will play individually after August 1 in various English tournaments.


Action on Other Matters

In addition to its action on this question, the Athletic Committee took up other important matters.

It was voted to permit the Freshman hockey team in the future to arrange games every other year at Princeton with the Princeton Freshmen. The entry of only two eight-oar crews in the American Henley will be permitted this year. Managers of major sport teams were authorized to wear the "H" after the April hour examinations if they are in good standing.

A graduate advisory committee for the lacrosse team was appointed as follows: Paul Gustafeon '12, C. E. Masters '08, Gordon Nightengale '15, and Clinton Lealie '20.

The University, second, and Freshman tennis team schedules as well as the University golf and lacrosse a schedules were approved, as where the following insignia awards:

University Wrestling.--F. X. Collins '22, J. F. D'Wolf '24, H. J. Freedman '23, L. F. Holmes '24, Benoni Lockwood '22, Ourtis Nelson '24, Francis Rouillard '23, Manager J. B. Bryan 3E.S.

Freshman Wrestling.--Murray Campbell, R. G. Clark, J. P. Hubbard, Milton Krook, E. G. Lowry, L. V. Smith, J. O. Tragard Jr., Manager Colton Hanard.

University Fencing.--J. S. Barss '22, Burke Boyce '22, W. R. Brewster '22, E. H. Lane '24, E. L. Lane '24, J. K. Watson '23.

University Hockey.--Donald Angler '22, C. W. Baker Jr. '22, W. E. Crosby Jr. '24, Mitchell Gratwick '22, R. R. Higgins '22, F. S. Hill '24, Joseph Larocque Jr. '23, J. M. Martin '22, George Owen Jr. '23, G. G. Walker '24, Manager J. J. Kennedy '22.

Freshman Hockey.--W. M. Austin, E. M. Beais, T. D. Blake, H. M. Bohlen, J. C. H. Bonbright, G. W. Burgess, W. D. Cantillon, P. W. Chase, L. M. W. Gibbs, J. W. Hammond, Clark Hodder, C. L. Peirson, Manager J. H. Child.

University Basketball.--Isadore Black '24, H. E. Feiring '23, R. W. Fitts '23, Lewis Gordon '24, M. B. Lowenthal '23, A. E. McLeish '23, W. V. Miller '23, John Pallo '23, J. L. Rudofsky '24, Manager R. R. Hopkins '22.

Freshman Basketball.--Donald Bourne, J. E. Bunting, E. G. Gebelein, J. F. King, Samson Merriam, Kent Middieton, W. A. Morrison, A. W. Samborski, J. L. Scully, S. L. Stevens, Manager S. A. Koshland.

University Gymnastic.--M. H. Bailey '23, J. K. Bragger '22, A. W. Dole 2E.S., L. F. Nickels '22, H. A. Wood Jr. '24, Manager G. C. Eaton '23
