

The Playgoer understand that Mr. Rolla Wayne, 2G of the 17 Workshop, has been awarded a constract to design scene-models for next year's production of the Ziegfeld Follies. Mr. Wayne has done many notable sets for Workshop productions, and has won distinction outside the University by the invention of his cycloramic cone, which he expects to employ in his designs for the "Follies." He is at Present working on the scenery for the forthcoming Spring Production of the Workshop.

Another benefit performance in which the University may find interest is that of the Women's Trade Union League of Boston. Those inquisitive playgoers who like to cross the footlights will have an opportunity of meeting personally the members of the Boston Stock Company and players from visiting companies as well. The second performance this work will take place tonight; the play is Otto Dauerbach's "The Silent Witness." Next week, on April thrid and fifth, the program will be one of the former Harvard Prize Plays, Florence Lincoln's "The End of the Bridge," which is being given at the St. James this week and is reviewed on this page.
