

Competition Will Start Tonight at 7.30 o'Clock in Smith

The competition for manager of the Freshman musical clubs will start this evening with a meeting of all candidates at 7.30 o'clock in Smith Halls Common Room. At this time A. W. Wright 3M., graduate supervisor of the preparations for the Freshman Jubilee, will briefly outline the plans of the competition which will last only until the spring vacation. The work will consist in taking attendance and fines at the rehearsals of the Freshman Glee Club and in making arrangements for the Instrumental Club concerts. The winner of the competition will be appointed manager of the Freshman Musical Clubs; the runner-up assistant manager.

The competition for leader of the Freshman Glee Club will be held at the rehearsal in Smith Halls at 7.45 o'clock tonight. candidates will be required to conduct the club in the "Winter Song" and the first two verses of "Picardy". Dr. A. T. Davison '06, director of the University Glee Club, and Mr. Wright will make the decision and announce the winner in the course of a few days.
