

Committee Organized in University in Connection With National Appeal--Drive Is on Non-Racial and Non Partisan Basis

At a meeting of a representative group of Harvard and Radcliffe students at the Phillips Brooks House on Friday afternoon, a committee was organized to conduct a campaign for funds in connection with the national appeal for fourteen million dollars of the American Jewish War Relief Committee.

The money which is being collected in this drive is distributed on a non-racial basis, and is used primarily to alleviate the terrible immediate suffering by erecting temporary hospitals and shelters. The suffering in Eastern Europe is worse today than at any time since 1914. An illuminating picture of this suffering is given in terms of little children by the following figures: In all the United States there are 10,000 Jewish orphans, while in Eastern Europe there are more than 600,000 homeless, tragic victims of the war and of pogroms. Already over 8000 pogroms have been listed officially, in which over 250,000 Jews have perished. The agents of the Joint Distribution Committee, working in cooperation with the American Relief Administration and the Society of Friends, estimate that there are upward of a million Jewish refugees without food or shelter.

The appeal is being conducted throughout the United States on a non-racial and non-partisan basis. At the University, an effort will be made to reach every Jewish student personally, but it is hoped that the response from the student body at large will be generous. The quota is $5,000. Contributions may be sent to M. F. Goldberg '22, Treasurer, 7 Ware street, Cambridge.

The committee in charge of the campaign at the University consists of David Stoffer 1L., chairman, M. L. Aaron 2L., M. I. Behrens '25, J. H. Cohen '25, Misha Epstein Sp., B. F. Finman 2E.S., S. L. Foss 1L., Foss 1L., David Glick 1L., M. F. Goldberg '22, T. H. Green 3L., Paul Harmel '23, A. W. Marget 3G., Bernard Miller '25, Mendon Morril '23, Samuel Rochlin '24, Irwin Rosenbaum 1L., J. L. Rudofsky '24, J. S. Shubow 1M., Benjamin Siegel 2L., S. L. Solomon '22, Harry Starr 1L., M. L. Stolz 2L., and the Misses Dorothy Adlow, Lillian Lappin, and Anna Weintraub, of Radcliffe.
