The novice fencing tournament for the cup given by the Fancers' Club will be held at 2 o'clock this afternoon in the Hemenway gymnasium. For the first time the tournament is to be open to the public. All undergraduates in the University who have not fenced for more than two years of take part in any intercollegiate competition are eligible to compete in the meet which held in order to give inexperience men an opportunity for mat-practice and to enable the coach and captain to pick out promising material for next year's team.
The tournament will be conducted under the management of Burke Boyce '22, captain of the University team, and S. H. Ordway 1L., captain of last year's team, while those men who won their letters by fencing against. Yale last Saturday will act as judges. Coach Danguy has offered a French foil to the contestant who shows the best form.
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