

At a meeting held by representatives of the Yale News, the Daily Princetonian, and the Crimson on Saturday, March 18, the following common editorial policy was decided upon. The steps advocated are designed to correct the present overemphasis now placed upon football, which to a certain extent has spread to other sports as well. It is important to note that this conference between the papers was planned before the fact of tomorrow's conference between the colleges was known. Following is the platform which, the three papers feel will help to remedy the situation:

1. There shall be no football practice organized under the supervision of either of the three colleges before the formal opening of college in the Fall.

2. The so-called intersectional games shall be abolished. No football games shall be played by Yale, Princeton, or Harvard except at New Haven, Princeton, or Cambridge.

3. A committee of the three colleges on eligibility shall be formed to which all candidates for major sports must submit a signed statement of their amateur standing and of the sources of their financial maintenance at college. This committee shall draw up an eligibility code and pass on the standing of every man before he enters competition. The one year eligibility rule shall continue in effect.

4. No athlete transferring from another college may compete in a major sport until he shall have passed the entrance examinations of Yale, Princeton, or Harvard as the case may be.


5. No coach shall sit on the sideline bench or communicate with the players on the field or on the bench during the periods of play.

6. Organized scouting shall be abolished.
