Men wishing to submit essays for the "Churchman" prize on "Why Should I Not Go into the Ministry?" should send them to the Prize Contest Editor, The Churchman, 2 West 47th street, New York City, some time today as no articles will be accepted unless received on or before Saturday. A first prize of $25, a second of $10, and a third of $5 will be awarded to the winners of the contest by five judges; the Reverend Samuel McComb D. D., the Right Reverend Theodore Payne Thurston D.D., Bishop of Oklahoma; the Reverend William Gardner D.D., of the Department of Religious Education, and two others to be appointed later.
The purpose of this contest is to learn from college men why so few of their number go into the ministry. Manuscripts should not be more than 1200 words in length and must be typewritten with double spacing and on one side of the paper only.
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