When the Smith Hall basketball team defeated Standish 16-9 on Monday afternoon, the Freshman interdormitory series came to an end. Gore had already clinched the championship in both sections of the basketball series, while Standish had won the indoor baseball contest. The final standing of the three halls in baseball and basketball entitles Gore to 13, Standish to nine, and Smith to five points, counting for the Winter Sports shield. As soon as the figures concerning the number of men from each hall winning their numerals and the results of the interdormitory gymnastic meet are determined, it will be possible to award the shield to the winning hall.
The interdormitory basketball season began on January 20 when about 55 men reported. Due to this unusually large number of men they were divided into two supposedly equal sections, each of the six teams thus formed playing a total of 12 games. In section one Gore and Smith were comparatively close rivals, but in the second section her team won easily with a total of 11 victories and only one defeat. L. H. Bondi and J. D. Adams, captains of the two Gore teams, were the outstanding players of the first and second sections respectively.
In the indoor baseball series Standish won from Gore by only one game in a series in which each team played 18 times. When the teams reported on December 9, about 35 men were present and interest was maintained through out the season.
The final standing of the teams is as follows:
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