

Dramatic Club Picks Sacha Guitry's Play for Spring Production--Open Meeting Held Last Night

At the open meeting of the Dramatic Club which was held last night at the Union, J. M. Brown '23 announced that the spring production would be an adaptation by Howard Phillips '23 of Sacha Guitry's "Beranger". He pointed out the difficulty of presenting a play dealing with historical characters, and said it would require particularly careful study on the part of the actors.

Professor G. P. Baker '87 then gave a short speech, laying great stress on learning the lines accurately and quickly. He said, however, "acting is not reciting lines but creating character". "The first job of the actor is to get out of himself and into the other self" created by the author. Professor Baker emphasized the necessity of reading the whole play before trying to learn a part. This would enable the actor to get an idea of his own part in relation to the rest of the production. "A part is like a musical note."

Dean E. A. Whitney '17 was the next speaker. After briefly outlining the history of the Dramatic Club, he showed the value of the club for training in public speaking, in business and executive work, and in color values and designing.
