

Crimson Team, Undefeated, Easily Wins Final Match--Captain Boyce and Brewster Star for University--Duelling Swords Contest Breaks Even

By decisively defeating the Yale fencing team 7 to 2 on Saturday, the University foilsmen completed their season without a defeat and they now stand well in line for the Intercollegiate championship which will be decided in New York on March 30 and 31. The duelling swords contest broke even, each team winning one bout.

Both Captain Burke Boyce '22 and W. R. Brewster '22 vanquished all their Eli opponents, including Captain Walker of Yale, who is the national junior champion. Walker, however, was victorious over E. H. Lane '24 in a close 7-6 bout while. E. L. Lane '24 broke even, defeating Davenport and losing to Huntington.

Below is a summary of the match:

Foils.--Brewster (H) defeated Walker (Y), 7-4; Boyce (H) defeated Davenport (Y), 7-4; Huntington (Y) defeated E. L. Lane (H) 7-4; Brewster (H) defeated Huntington (Y), 7-6; Boyce (H) defeated Walker (Y), 7-3; E. L. Lane (H) defeated Davenport (Y), 7-4; Boyce (H) defeated Huntington (Y), 7-6; Walker (Y) defeated E. H. Lane (H), 7-6. Score, Harvard 7, Yale 2.

Duelling Swords.--McKenzie (Y) defeated Barss (H), 2-1; Watson (H) defeated McKenzie (Y), 2-0. Score, Harvard 1, Yale 1.


Director.--Lieutenant Kiernan, U. S. Navy.
