

Twenty-Nine University Singers to Compete Under Direction of Dr. A. T. Davison '06--Each Club to Sing Three Selections.

Twenty-nine members of the University Glee Club, under the direction of Dr. A. T. Davison '06, will go to New York on Saturday to compete in the sixth annual intercollegiate glee club contest at Carnegie Hall in New York at 8.15. Last year the Club won the contest for the third time and by so doing it was awarded the cup for permanent possession. A new cup has been offered by the University Glee Club of New York to replace the one which is now held by the Harvard Glee Club. The first of these contests, held in 1914, was organized by the University Glee Club and was won by them so giving them their first hold on the cup, the other two victories coming in 1917 and 1921.

Under the rules of the contests the clubs from each of the colleges will render the same prize song besides an individual light song and a typical college song. As a result of a vote taken on a list of approved songs sent to the various colleges competing, "Give a Rouse" by Bantock has been selected as the prize air. The University singers have picked "Dainty, Fine, Sweet Nymph" by Morley for their light air, while "Up the Street" has been chosen as the college sir. After the contest all the glee clubs will unite to sing "The Prayer of Thanksgiving", a Netherland folk song, and while the judges are deciding the outcome the University Glee Club of New York will fill in the time with other songs.

Mr. Walter Damrosh, Mr. George W. Chadwick, and Mr. Henry Hadley have been selected as judges of the contest and each will make a separate decision. The prize song will be on a 50 point basis, and the light song and college song on a standard of 30 and 20 points respectively. The scorings of the three judges will be added up and the club with the highest score will be awarded the cup for one year.

Following the contest a smoker will be given at the Harvard Club by the University Glee Club of New York to all the competitors. In addition to the University the following colleges will be represented: Amherst, Columbia, Dartmouth, New York University, Pennsylvania State, Princeton, University of Pennsylvania, Wesleyan, and Yale.

On Sunday the Club will give a concert at the Cooper Union in New York, under the auspices of the Peoples Institute which has arranged a series of free Sunday concerts
