

Runs Up Total of 49 Points Against 28 for Smith and 3 for Standish--J. S. Murphy Jr. and D. L. Ellovitch High Point Scorers

Gore Hall won the Freshman interdormitory track meet at soldiers Field yesterday afternoon with a total of 49 points against 28 for Smith and three for Standish. As a result of the contest, Gore will have five points added to its total in the competition for the winter sports shield, Smith three, and Standish one.

The times of the track events were exceptionally fast, considering the cold weather. L. L. Robb of Gore won the 40-yard dash in five seconds, the same time that it took C. H. Wansker '23 to win the event in the University meet with Dartmouth and Cornell last Saturday. B. R. Cutcheon of Gore captured the 1000-yard run in 2 minutes and 27 2-5 seconds, the fastest time that has been made by any Freshman this year.

The two best races of the afternoon were the 300-yard and the 1000-yard runs. In the former J. S. Murphy, captain of the Smith team, took the lead early in the race and kept it to the end in spite of the desperate attempts of L. L. Robb of Gore to pass him. In the latter B. R. Cutcheon of Gore led A. F. Jones to the tape by only a few yards.

D. L. Ellovitch of Gore with one first and two seconds and J. S. Murphy of Smith with two first and a third were tied for highest individual honors, each scoring 11 points. L. L. Robb with a first, second, and third place scored nine points. Both Robb and Ellovitch were on the winning Gore relay team.

The summary:


40-Yard Dash.--Won by L. L. Robb (G); second, D. L. Ellovitch (G); third, J. S. Murphy (Sm). Time, 5s.

45-Yard Low Hurdles.--Won by W. B. Thomas (Sm); second, T. R. Hull (G); third, S. M. Clark (Sm). Time, 6s.

300-Yard Run.--Won by J. S. Murphy (Sm); second, L. L. Robb (G); third, J. S. Weiss (Sd). Time, 36s.

600-Yard Run.--Won by W. L. Chapin (Sm); second, L. M. Harris (G); third, H. Smith (G). Time 1m., 21 4-5s.

1000-Yard Run.--Won by B. R. Cutcheon (G); second, A. F. Jones (S); third, F. A. Severance (G). Time, 2m, 27 2-5s.

Interdormitory Relay Race.--Won by Gore (T. R. Hull, L. M. Harris, D. L. Ellovitch, L. L. Robb); second, Smith (W. B. Thomas, B. C. Bland, M. L. Stout, D. B. Wilson); third, Standish (W. M. Austin, G. E. Kent, C. C. Nast, S. E. Toulmin).

High-Jump.--Won by D. L. Ellovitch (G); second, tie between J. M. Greely (G) and H. W. Abbott Jr. (Sd). 5ft. 4in.

Broad-Jump.--Won by J. S. Murphy (S); second, T. R. Hull (G); third, A. D. Hoffman (G). 18ft., 11 1-2in.

Shot-Put--Won by R. H. Hallowell Jr. (G); second, D. L. Ellovitch (G); third, L. L. Robb (G). 37ft., 10in

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