

Routes for Collection of Furniture on Friday Announced--Couples Not on Box List Will Not be Admitted--Punch Will Not be Served in Boxes

At a meeting of the box chairmen held yesterday afternoon members of the Junior Dance Committee gave out final instructions in regard to the moving of the furniture to the Union on Friday. Trucks will collect furniture at the houses and dormitories named below, and will follow the time schedule as nearly as possible.

The Dance Committee has announced that unless men have made applications for boxes and unless their names appear in the complete box list which is published on page six, they will not be allowed to bring partners. Only stags will be admitted under these conditions.

A further announcement of the committee states that punch will be served in several places at the Union during the dancing but not in the individual boxes during the supper hour. If any box chairmen wish individual punch bowls in their boxes it will be necessary for them to provide for themselves. These may be brought to the boxes some time tomorrow and if the chairmen prefer they may make arrangements with some caterer. There will be an opportunity, however, to secure bowls and punch from the Steward of the Union.

The routes of the furniture trucks are given below, but they may be changed so the chairmen have been advised to consult tomorrow's CRIMSON.

Route No. 1


7.45, Drayton; 8.00, 66 Winthrop; 8.15, 54, Dunster street; 8.30, Dunster Hall; 8.45, Dana Chambers; 9.15, 1234 Massachusetts avenue; 9.30, Russell; 9.45, Russell Annex; 10.00, Beck Hall; 10.30. Walter Hastings; 10.45, 13 Waterhouse street; 11.00, Perkins Hall; 11.30, Stoughton; 11,45, Thayer; 12.00, Holworthy; 12.45, Mathews; 1.00, Weld; 1.30, Grays; 1.45, Hollis; 2.00, 1 Langdon square; 2.30, 16 Garden street.

Route No. 2

7.45, Apley court; 8.00, Holyoke House; 8.15, 22 Plympton street; 8.30, 28 Plympton street; 9.00, Westmorly; 9.15, 52 and 48 Mt. Auburn street; 9.30, 120 Mt. Auburn street; 9.45, 30 Mt. Auburn street; 10.15, Claverly ;10.45, Randolph; 11.15, 5 Linden street; 11.45, Shepherd Hall; 12.15, 16 Garden street; 12.30, 30 Boylston street; 12.45, 60 Boylston street; 1.15, 1734 Cambridge street; 1.45, 7 Ware street; 2.00, 24 Church street.

The complete list of boxes is as follows:

Box A.--H. C. Stetson, Chairman, Miss Etheldreda Seabury; M. Blake, Miss Katherine Sears; John Hodges, Miss Mary Eastman; A. C. H. Loud, Miss Margaret Newlin; A. A. Rubel, Miss Lispward Seabury; Richard Wait, Miss Dorothy Fiske; Thomas Williams, Miss Jane Fraser.

Box B.--J. C. Newcomb, Chairman, Miss Louise Ross-Todd; Thaddeus Adamowski, Miss Elizabeth Cole; R. F. Brander, Miss Rosamond Murray; T. J. Curtis, Miss Eleanor Jackson; Theodore Drier, Miss Elizabeth Wentworth; John Edmonds, Miss Mary Wister; W. H. Forbes, Mary Hallowell; Sameul Hammond, Jr., Miss Alice Onderdonk; Donald Maxwell, Miss Theresa Winsor; W. L. Payson, Miss Jane Grew; J. H. A. Wilder, Miss Emily Thompson; O. J. Wister, Miss Helena Mitchell.

Box C.--H. L. Hartley, Chairman, Miss Priscilla Pollard; Frederick Flather, Miss Helen Bailey; J. R. Flather, Miss Elizabeth Towle; B. W. Huiskamp, Miss M. R. Woodard; B. K. Little, Miss Nina Fletcher; A. L. Moffat, Miss Beatrice Gawtry.

Box D.--G. S. McKensie, Chairman,

Miss Peggy Smith; A. R. Balsam, Miss Margaret Nash; A. W. Jones, Miss Abbie Hooker; P. R. Lincoln, Miss Dorothy Gray; H. B. Tyson, Miss Eleanor G. Gillington.

Box E.--C. P. G. Fuller, Chairman, Miss Nora Cleveland; H. R. Davis, Miss Frances Budlong; L. R. Frost, Miss Marion Phelps; J. E. Kennedy; Robert Martin, Miss Beryl Fradel; C. B. Morries, Miss Marjory Hill.

Box F. P. J. Fitz Gerald, Chairman, Miss Mary Cabot; F. B. Allen, Miss Elizabeth Young; J. K. Dow, Miss Helen Douglas; T. S. Harrington, Miss Cornelia Dimmitt; Belden Wiggles-worth, Miss Jane Peters; C. W. Wood, Miss Margert Bullock.

Box G.--Raymond Clark, Chairman, Miss Elsa Milliken; T. D. Cairns, Miss Mary Dowling; Charles T. Davis, Miss Jesse Southwick; C. F. Farbach, Miss Alice M. Teague; Van Duzee Field, Miss Maxime Walker; Kurt Groener, Miss Winifred Babson; James P. Haffner, Miss Adelaide Mac Intosh; Edmond McCarthy, Miss Rose Manning; Lowell McElroy, Miss Florence Merwin; Harold Schiesswohl, Miss Helen Green; Wallace E. Stearns, Miss Ferrol Moore; John Williams, Miss Barbara Smith.

Box H.--P. G. Mendoza, Chairman, Miss Madelon Cassavant; K. L. Browne, Miss Nancy Toll; W. W. Culter, Miss Elizabeth Eaton; Kingston McCoy, Miss Mildred Hill; J. R. Whitman, Miss Pauline Stewart; T. S. Whitman, Miss Polly Yeomans.

Box I.--E. H. Gallup, Jr., Chairman, Miss Winnifred Wittlesey; Marian Billings, Miss Thelma Dameron; R. H. Chrisman, Miss Grace D. Nixon; George Forrester, Miss Helen Woods; Allen Freeman, Miss Ruth S. Stone; Edward Lawson, Miss Eline Findley; E. W. Lord, Miss Marion S. Fowler; Cullous Mitchell, Miss Phyllis Parker; T. R. Olive, Miss Dorothy Riddle; John Pallo, Miss Beatrice Abell; Harold Walker, Miss Dorothy Kelley; Howard Wilder, Miss Hazel Shennan.

Box J.--R. H. Keegan, Chairman, Miss Evelyn Packard; J. V. Blasi, Miss Georgianna Chafe; R. F. Denvis, Miss Julie M. Hurley; J. G. Dunton, Miss Gladys Parsons; D. F. Egan, Miss Margaret Egan; R. W. Fitts, Miss Lucie Doyle; A. M. Garvin, Miss Margaret MacInnis; S. F. Hall, Miss Josephine Payne; E. W. Love, Miss Rosamond Bartlett; W. V. Miller, Miss Edna Holzman; J. H. Millet, Miss Thelma Amazun; L. M. Sibley, Miss Mary Ray more.

Box K.--E. F. Goode, Chairman, Miss Gertrude O'Callaghan; G. W. Adams, Miss Elizabeth Hastie; Francis Comerford, Miss M. C. Doherty; W. G. Nawn, Miss Marjorie Brennan; F. J. Ryan, Miss L. D. McCarthy; F. J. Weller, Miss M. C. Reardon.

Box L.--William Duane, Jr., Chairman, Miss Barbara Churchill; S. H. Browne Jr., Miss Claire LeHuray; C. V. Chandler, Miss Catherine Gettemy; T. B. Coolidge, Miss Edith Chesebrough; O. Cope, Miss Louisa James; R. W. Cordingley, Miss Guinevere Knot; R. A. Cutter, Miss Ruth Grew; B. F. Jones, Miss Persis McClennen; C. J. Shearn, Miss Marjorie Guthrie; W. M. Tucker, Miss Georgianna Watters; J. K. Watson, Miss Viola Merz; F. J. Wells, Miss Mary James.

Box M.--W. B. Churchill, Chairman, Miss Comilia Hallowell; Richard Chute, Miss Mary Chute; A. H. Ladd, Miss Helen Scott; Everett Moss, Miss Luica Norton; Garrison Norton, Miss Martha Houser; W. K. Shaw, Jr., Miss Isabel Porter.

Box N.--Elliot Perkins, Chairman, Miss Elaine Sullivan; R. G. Hoolser, Miss Ella Snelling; L. B. McCagg Jr., Miss Katherine Winslow; Edward Ohe, Miss Gertrude Tailor; R. H., Thayer, Miss Maude Cabot.

Box O.--B. D. Nash, Chairman, Miss Beatrice Jones; R. P. Field, Miss Esther Washburn; J. G. Flint, Miss Eleanor Musgrowe; J. R. Reynolds, Miss Marion Fenno; W. P. Scott, Miss Florence Lockwood.

Box P.--Donald F. Bush, Jr., Chairman, Miss Sarah Sage; John S. Amory, Miss Nell White; J. S. Clark, Jr., Miss Elizabeth Wayne; Morris Duane, Miss Cintra Ellis; Henry W. Howe, Miss Betty Thompson; Herbert L. Pratt, Jr., Miss Rosamond Adie; Ridley Watts, Jr., Miss Laura Taylor.

Box Q.--B. Kunhardt, Chairman, Miss Helen Sargent; H. G. Balch, Miss Hildegarde Kunhardt; R.F. Bradford, Miss Eleanor Dodge; H. B. Fuller, Jr., Miss Rebecca Browne; L. W. Rathbun, Miss Frances Matteson; E. S. Young, Miss Eleanor Sutton.

Box R.--C. K. Cummings Jr., Chairman, Miss Leonora Trafford; J. M. Forbes, Miss Ethel Cummings, Charles Brewer Jr., Miss Dorothy Brewer; E. G. Lund, Miss Margaret Houghton; S. M. Weld, Miss Faith Ward; S. C. Badger, Miss Mary Bancroft.

Box S.--R. P. Rice, Chairman, Miss Rosamond Reed; R. D. Hale; Miss Barbara Brownlee; J. F. Lincoln, Miss Marian Sagendorph; J. W. Myer, Miss Josephine Cushman; R. F. Thayer, Miss Mary L. Hall; John Wilkie, Miss Theodora Hollander.

Box T.--C. C. Sawtell, Chairman, Miss Margaret Gay; Geoffrey Bolton, Miss Harriet Jackson; W. F. Lewis, Miss A. J. Lewis; S. B. Robinson, Miss A. L. Jackson; W. C. Treat, Miss Eliza Bacon; W. H. Welds, Miss D. C. Crowe.

Bow U.--Paul R. Brown, Chairman, Miss Elizabeth Walker; Karl B. Anderson, Miss Dorothy Hazen; Harris Barber, Miss Helen K. Carley; Robert Brandt, Miss Elizabeth Wells; Richard D. Gross, Miss Ruth Crossman; Ralph H. Nay, Miss Laura White.

Box V.--Francis Rouillard, Chairman, Miss Priscilla E. Caron; L. V. Baker, Miss Cocile Moody; S. Novak, Miss Helen Danielski; W. B. Robertson, Miss Elaine Williams; G. A. Sweet, Miss Eleanor Davis; H. J. Williams, Miss Katheryne Miller.

Box W.--C. B. Newhall, Chairman, Miss Marion Hoyt; J. M. A. Blair, Miss Mabel Rutledge; R. Daggett, Miss Victoria Manning; C. A. C. Eastman, Miss Lucile Stewart; S. A. Freeman, Miss Frederika Pisek; E. C. Wilson, Miss Jean McLean.

Box X.--R. J. Norton, Chairman, Miss Mary Anna Gibson; R. N. Bryan, Miss Dorothy Kimball; H. Feiring, Miss Eleanor Carroll; W. S. Lindsley, Miss Vivian Anderson; J. C. Ross, Miss Dorothy Patton; H. Wagner, Miss Nathalie Stearns.

Box Y.--H. E. Kline; Chairman, Miss Marjorie Edge; William Burke, Miss Marion Galvin; H. W. Griggs, Miss Virginia Graham; C. R. Hauers, Miss Margaret Stearns; R. R. Jordan, Miss Helen West; Sterling Tait, Miss Elizabeth Tiols.

Box Z.--J. E. Eaton, Jr., Chairman, Miss Dorothy Newhall; G. G. Benedict, Miss Elizabeth Allen; G. H. Browne, Miss Nancy White; R. S. Flinn, Miss Doris Crowley; E. D. Hamilton, Miss Doris George; D. M. Oenslager, Miss Hilda Barnard; J. R. Weist, Miss Eleanor Mason.

Box AA.--P. E. Wilson, Chairman, Miss Marion L. Hopkins; C. P. Fordyce, Miss Nancy Perrie; G. C. Guild, Miss Dorothy Springer; C. H. Hawes, Miss Isabella Walsh; D. S. Parker, Miss Polly White; J. W. Quinn, Miss Madiline O'Neil.

Box BB.-- B. S. Cogan, Chairman, Miss Edith Bermingham; J. M. Hartley, Miss Emily Sturges; S. B. Andrews, Miss Pauline Ames; P. W. Butman, Miss Corneila Warin; M. W. Self, Miss Elinor Everitt; Robert Worthington, Miss
