At a meeting of the box chairmen held yesterday afternoon members of the Junior Dance Committee gave out final instructions in regard to the moving of the furniture to the Union on Friday. Trucks will collect furniture at the houses and dormitories named below, and will follow the time schedule as nearly as possible.
The Dance Committee has announced that unless men have made applications for boxes and unless their names appear in the complete box list which is published on page six, they will not be allowed to bring partners. Only stags will be admitted under these conditions.
A further announcement of the committee states that punch will be served in several places at the Union during the dancing but not in the individual boxes during the supper hour. If any box chairmen wish individual punch bowls in their boxes it will be necessary for them to provide for themselves. These may be brought to the boxes some time tomorrow and if the chairmen prefer they may make arrangements with some caterer. There will be an opportunity, however, to secure bowls and punch from the Steward of the Union.
The routes of the furniture trucks are given below, but they may be changed so the chairmen have been advised to consult tomorrow's CRIMSON.
Route No. 1
7.45, Drayton; 8.00, 66 Winthrop; 8.15, 54, Dunster street; 8.30, Dunster Hall; 8.45, Dana Chambers; 9.15, 1234 Massachusetts avenue; 9.30, Russell; 9.45, Russell Annex; 10.00, Beck Hall; 10.30. Walter Hastings; 10.45, 13 Waterhouse street; 11.00, Perkins Hall; 11.30, Stoughton; 11,45, Thayer; 12.00, Holworthy; 12.45, Mathews; 1.00, Weld; 1.30, Grays; 1.45, Hollis; 2.00, 1 Langdon square; 2.30, 16 Garden street.
Route No. 2
7.45, Apley court; 8.00, Holyoke House; 8.15, 22 Plympton street; 8.30, 28 Plympton street; 9.00, Westmorly; 9.15, 52 and 48 Mt. Auburn street; 9.30, 120 Mt. Auburn street; 9.45, 30 Mt. Auburn street; 10.15, Claverly ;10.45, Randolph; 11.15, 5 Linden street; 11.45, Shepherd Hall; 12.15, 16 Garden street; 12.30, 30 Boylston street; 12.45, 60 Boylston street; 1.15, 1734 Cambridge street; 1.45, 7 Ware street; 2.00, 24 Church street.
The complete list of boxes is as follows:
Box A.--H. C. Stetson, Chairman, Miss Etheldreda Seabury; M. Blake, Miss Katherine Sears; John Hodges, Miss Mary Eastman; A. C. H. Loud, Miss Margaret Newlin; A. A. Rubel, Miss Lispward Seabury; Richard Wait, Miss Dorothy Fiske; Thomas Williams, Miss Jane Fraser.
Box B.--J. C. Newcomb, Chairman, Miss Louise Ross-Todd; Thaddeus Adamowski, Miss Elizabeth Cole; R. F. Brander, Miss Rosamond Murray; T. J. Curtis, Miss Eleanor Jackson; Theodore Drier, Miss Elizabeth Wentworth; John Edmonds, Miss Mary Wister; W. H. Forbes, Mary Hallowell; Sameul Hammond, Jr., Miss Alice Onderdonk; Donald Maxwell, Miss Theresa Winsor; W. L. Payson, Miss Jane Grew; J. H. A. Wilder, Miss Emily Thompson; O. J. Wister, Miss Helena Mitchell.
Box C.--H. L. Hartley, Chairman, Miss Priscilla Pollard; Frederick Flather, Miss Helen Bailey; J. R. Flather, Miss Elizabeth Towle; B. W. Huiskamp, Miss M. R. Woodard; B. K. Little, Miss Nina Fletcher; A. L. Moffat, Miss Beatrice Gawtry.
Box D.--G. S. McKensie, Chairman,
Miss Peggy Smith; A. R. Balsam, Miss Margaret Nash; A. W. Jones, Miss Abbie Hooker; P. R. Lincoln, Miss Dorothy Gray; H. B. Tyson, Miss Eleanor G. Gillington.
Box E.--C. P. G. Fuller, Chairman, Miss Nora Cleveland; H. R. Davis, Miss Frances Budlong; L. R. Frost, Miss Marion Phelps; J. E. Kennedy; Robert Martin, Miss Beryl Fradel; C. B. Morries, Miss Marjory Hill.
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