

Captain-Elect Hinkle Only Member of This Year's Team Available--Strong Second String Material on Hand

Captain-elect E. M. Hinkle '23 is the only member of this year's Squash Racquets team who will be available next season. Malcolm Bradlee '22 captain for the last two years; Myles P. Baker '22, D. McK. Key '22, and R. E. Smith '22 are all lost by graduation and for this reason the success of the team will rest entirely upon the development of the second string material. Carroll Harrington '24 is the most promising player while R. C. Bostwick '23, F.I. Carpenter Jr. '24, and C. C. Colt '24 are men who should develop into valuable material. In addition to these members of the second team, C. P. G. Fuller '23, J. M. Jutte '24, Alexander, Mackay-Smith '24, and Belden Wiggles-worth '23 will be on hand next season.

Several good men from the Freshman class will greatly strengthen the line-up, and the most promising of these is W. P. Dixon, Freshman champion, and runner-up inn the University tournament. A. L. Smith and E. M. Upjohn also have shown ability.

With six new squash courts at its disposal, the 1923 team will have a greater opportunity to develop its raw material for the long schedule that is now being arranged. The increase in the number of games to be played is largely due to increased membership is the Massachusetts Squash Racquets League.
