

Organized to Carry on Activities of New England Federation--Mid-Year Meeting Will be Held in Worcester Tomorrow

Six committees of University graduates from the New England district have been appointed by Mr. Howard Corning '90, of Bangor, Maine, to carry on the principal activities of the New England Federation of Harvard clubs for the current year.

Mr. Corning Benton ''07, Business manager of Phillips Exeter Academy, heads the Secondary Schools committee for the second time. The other members of this committee are Mr. F. L. Allen '12, of Cambridge; Mr. N. H. Batchelder '01, of Windsor, Conn.; Mr. P. T. Campbell '93, of Winthrop; Mr. P. T. Campbell '93, of Winthrop; Mr. A. H. Knapp '97, of Springfield, Mr. Charles Wiggins '07, of Pomfret, Conn.; and Mr. S. B. Southworth '00, of Thayer Academy, South Braintree.

The Book Prize Committee, which presents prizes in over 25 New England schools to boys who excel in scholarship and other school activities, is composed of Mr. W. D. Orcutt '92, of Boston, Chairman; Mr. Frederick O. Bartlett '97, of Cambridge; and Mr. A. R. McIntyre '07, of Boston. The scholarship Committee, which administers the $500 New England Federation Scholarship, awarded annually to a man entering the Freshman class, is headed by Mr. L. A. Atwood '83, of Lynn. The other members are Mr. B. C. Stickney '65, of Rutland, Vt., and Mr. L. M. Little '10, of Cambridge.

Plans for the cooperation of the New England Harvard Clubs in the meeting of the Associated Harvard clubs at Boston in June are in the hands of another committee of which Mr. R. F. Duncan '12, of Cambridge, is the chairman. He is assisted by Mr. J. W. D. Seymour '17, of Cambridge; Mr. R. B. Wigglesworth '12, of Boston; Mr. N. H. Batchelder '01, of Windsor, Conn.; and Mr. D. M. Little '18, of Cambridge.

Mr. J. C. Trumbuij '12, of Salem, and Mr. Seymour compose the committee on organization, while that on the nomination of overseers consists of Mr. H. M. Williams '85, of Boston; Mr. M. A. Taylor '89, of Boston, and Mr. A. E. Chase '05, of Lynn.


The mid-year meeting of the Federation will be held at Worcester tomorrow and will be featured by speeches by President Lowell and by President W. A. Neilson '96, of Smith College.
